This blog is primarily to publish news about the StainedGlassPhotography website. We will announce new uploads, publish changes and new Frameable Art Cards. ornaments, tiles and other products which we sell.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
In that time there have been a few new folders of images which may be found in the buildings section
which is to be found at the bottom of the home page. We also added an ornaments page and will shortly be updating our calendar offering.The very latest news is the creation of 2 new stores on CafePress. Both have only tenuous links to stained glass but you might wish to take a look at them.
The first is dedicated to Victorian art, in particular the work of the Pre-Raphaelites. As you will be aware Burne-Jones was a member of that group as well as being a prolific designer of stained glass through his partnership with William Morris who also had ties to that group. Similarly Ford Madox Brown and Henry Holiday are generally associated with the Pre-Raphaelite school. In the new CafePress store you will find some gift items incorporating details from important works by Gabriel Dante Rosetti, Edward Burne-Jones, Millais, William Waterhouse and others. It is not an extensive collection but they are beautiful images.
The second is a departure in a very different direction. The store is called Poe Corner and, you guessed, the subject-matter is Edgar Allan Poe and his works with special emphasis on the illustrations of his Tales of Mystery and Imagination by an Irish artist called Harry Clarke.
Clarke is widely acknowledged as being one of the top 3 or 4 Irish stained glass makers of all time. His work is stunning. The designs are unusual and not everyone likes the gothic appearance of his figures but, putting that aside, no-one can deny that his windows are stunning in their overall appearance. By use of jewel-size pieces of glass and faceting as well as careful selection of glass for richness of colour Clarke achieved a sparkling effect which is rare, if not unique. The combination of the gothic-looking figures, brilliant and rich colours and sparkling effect makes Clarke windows unmistakeable.
Now, in addition to his stained glass work, Clarke was also a book illustrator and probably his most famous illustrations were of 2 editions of Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery and Imagination. The first 24 images are black and white line drawings but he later supplemented these with some colour plates and they are a perfect match for Poe's grisly, macabre and frightening stories. It is only in the past year or so that I have become involved with the life and works of Poe but he certainly has a world-wide following and I feel sure that there will be interest in items incorporating the Clarke illustrations. Here is a link to Poe Corner
Last, not least, when updating my calendar offerings I decided to design one specifically for Jesuits using some images of stained glass windows depicting some of the saints from the Jesuit Tradition. For the cover I used the above image which combines a beautiful stained glass rendering of The Sacred Heart with a prayer by Pedro Arrupe, a 20thC Jesuit. You can find the Jesuit calendar here.